When you’re trying to get pregnant, the dynamic between you and your partner when it comes to intercourse often changes. From the exact timing of ovulation to the type of lubricant you use, the details matter, and you can feel the pressure. 

When the stakes are this high, it can be super helpful to know which fertility-friendly lubes are actually worth buying. Now let’s take a look at why sperm-friendly lubricants are so important to your fertility journey and how finding the right product can make all the difference!  

generic white lubricant bottles

Why sperm-friendly lubricant for fertility?

Why are some lubricants not ideal for trying to get pregnant? Well, the majority of everyday lubricants have low pH levels and contain high concentrations of salt, both of which can be harmful to sperm. Therefore, using these types of lubricants while TTC can be counterproductive, as they can create a hostile environment for the sperm to travel - making it harder to reach the egg.  

Fairhaven Health’s BabyDance Fertility Lube is specifically designated as a fertility lubricant, as each batch is tested to ensure the safety of sperm and eggs. Unlike standard lubes, BabyDance has a pH of 7, which mimics the pH of your cervical mucus and helps the sperm get through your cervix to the egg. 

BabyDance is also made without harmful ingredients, such as parabens, that could jeopardize the viability of the sperm. Although parabens are common chemicals used to preserve the shelf-life of lotions, cosmetics, hair products, and even lubricants, they are known as endocrine (hormone) disruptors. In other words, parabens imitate the activity of estrogen in the body’s cells. This can impact your reproductive health, pregnancy wellness, and the health and development of a fetus, which is why lubricants with parabens should be avoided when having sex to get pregnant

empty shopping cart in an aisle

Not all lubricants are created equal. 

So, how do you know if your lube is fertility-friendly? It should be water-based (not oil-based) and fall under a special FDA category of medical devices known as the PEB, which consists of lubricants for penile and/or vaginal applications that undergo rigorous testing to ensure it’s safe for the sperm, egg, and embryos. 

The testing goes beyond development, as well. Once PEB lubes are on the market, the manufacturer has to test each batch to confirm the product meets regulatory guidelines and does not hurt the egg or sperm. 

A fertility- or sperm-friendly lubricant must be tested to ensure it:

  • Has a pH of 7 and mimics fertile cervical mucus and semen to prevent shock and damage to sperm and eggs.

  • Won’t hinder sperm motility, survival, or integrity.

  • Is the correct viscosity to allow sperm to swim into and through the lubricant.

  • Won’t interfere with embryo development.

  • Is safe to use for in vitro fertilization and other fertility interventions.

  • Is screened, both at the time of production and throughout the shelf life of the lubricant.

couple looking at a laptop

Your cervical mucus pH level is actually lower than 7 throughout most of your cycle, typically between 4 and 5. It spikes to around 7 during your fertile window, so using a lube like Baby Dance that mimics that pH level is optimal when trying to conceive. 

While it can seem daunting to try any new product when TTC, as with anything on your journey to conception, do what is best for you and stay as informed as possible. Knowing which lube to use during your fertile window is just one piece of the puzzle that can help increase your chance of pregnancy, which is the ultimate goal.

Brighid Flynn is a freelance writer based in Philadelphia where she lives with her husband and puppy. She is just beginning her journey toward motherhood.

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